Club. Club may refer to: Club (magazine). Perhaps if national unions we pay subs to spent more of their time/resources on engaging grassroots projects like @theclubtalks @TheGolfTrust etc instead of glitzy award dinners.
A stout heavy stick, usually thicker at one end, suitable for use as a weapon; a cudgel. b.
The price is dear and the rewards are few for members of "The Club". é um portal informativo angolano ao serviço de Angola, sem afiliações políticas e sem fins lucrativos cuja linha editorial consubstancia-se na divulgação dos valores dos direitos humanos. Секрет небес / Клуб романтики / Трейлер (Heaven's secret / Romance club / Trailer). From Middle English clubbe, from Old Norse klubba, klumba ("cudgel"), from Proto-Germanic *klumpô ("clip, clasp; clump, lump; log, block"), from Proto-Indo-European *glemb- ("log, block"), from *gel- ("to ball up, conglomerate, amass"). This is THE CLUB, an ever-shifting MMO featuring YOUR music, created by Crows Crows Crows and their Community.