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Cotttagers. Welcome to the Cottages at Little River Cove! Especially fresh decor, vintage style & classic charm in any space!
Cottagers Tie Down Quartet - Complete Sports - CS (Clayton Aguilar)
A unique, character-packed cottage hidden in an historic yard, once home to famous Whitby lifeboat coxswain Henry Freeman. In Bedminster this spring, the records show. Late Middle English, from Anglo-Norman cotage and Medieval Latin cotagium, from Old Northern French cot, cote ("hut, cottage") + -age ("surrounding property"), from Proto-Germanic *kutan, *kuta- ("shed"), probably of non-Indo-European origin.
Example sentences from the Web for cottage.
Looking for Beach & Mountain Cottage Rentals?
Cottagers Kale (Brassica oleracea var acephala) | Quercus ...
Cottagers barred from Hiawatha First Nation |
Cottagers | National Galleries of Scotland
The Vineyard Gazette - Martha's Vineyard News | Cottagers ...
Cottagers Kale (Brassica oleracea var acephala) | Quercus ...
Cottagers worried about ‘super-spreader’ event | The ...
Photos | Buckshot Lake Cottagers' Association
recipes | The Cottagers | Page 3
Synonyms for COTTAGERS -
I wanted to buy my neighbor's cottage, but it had already been sold when I got there. cottage загородный дом cottage изба; хижина cottage коттедж; амер. летняя дача cottage коттедж cottage небольшой дом cottage австрал. Go to FACEIT to connect with cotttager and see his full profile. cotttager. This website is a source for all things cottage related.