Grove. Grove definition, a small wood or forested area, usually with no undergrowth: a grove of pines. a small orchard or stand of fruit-bearing trees, especially citrus trees: a grove of lemon trees. Find more ways to say grove, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
IF the Grove, Sub Grove, and Bilson's were somehow combined, it would not only be a force to be Right above the Sub Grove, yet years ahead of it in terms of pure incridibility and total grandness.
From Middle English grove, grave, from Old English grāf, grāfa ("grove; copse"); compare English groove.
Related to Old English grǣf, grǣfe ("brushwood; thicket; copse") and Old English grǣfa ("thicket"). Grove supplies a comprehensive set of advanced cybersecurity solutions covering your entire digital estate preventing all existing and novel threats. Grove Hydrogen Automotive, lightweight, clean hydrogen cars.