Guernsey Ci. Get the latest news from the BBC in Guernsey Local website with breaking news, sport, weather and travel from the area plus in-depth features, analysis, audio and video coverage; listen to BBC. Guernseyko Bailegoa, Guernsey (eu); Guernsey (ast); Guernsey Bailiwick (ms); Guernsey, Beilïaeth Ynys y Garn, Beiliaeth Ynys y Garn (cy); Гернсі (be); گرنسی, گوئرنسی (fa); Гернзи, Гърнзи (bg).
The Bailiwick of Guernsey (French: Guernesey, Guernesiais: Guernési, Sercquiais: Gyernëzi) is a group of islands in the English Channel, part of the Channel Islands.
This is the official page for the government of Guernsey and is run by.
Use the hashtags #guernseyairport or #alderneyairport so we can share content. We are proud to have been the first place in the British Isles declared Coronavirus free. Guernseyko Bailegoa, Guernsey (eu); Guernsey (ast); Guernsey Bailiwick (ms); Guernsey, Beilïaeth Ynys y Garn, Beiliaeth Ynys y Garn (cy); Гернсі (be); گرنسی, گوئرنسی (fa); Гернзи, Гърнзи (bg).